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Weight Gain Can Effect Your Professional Career- If You Are A Women

Are you looking for a job in the service sector then track your weight! The researchers found that even a slight increase in weight have a negative impact on the employment prospects for women candidates. Women face weight bias at work – even if body mass index (BMI) within the healthy, research suggests.
“Many organizations in the field of services, such as shops, bars and hotels, is looking to hire people with the right ‘look’ in line with your company’s image,” a researcher Dennis Nickson, a professor at the University of Strathclyde in Glasgow, Scotland said.
“This study shows that women, even in a BMI range of medical and health situation, still face discrimination in employment in the service sector,” said Nickson.
In research published in the journal PLoS ONE, the participants are requested to assess their people for employment in the service sector, according to their appearance .
Research asked 120 participants to assess photos of eight men and women for their suitability for the job working on a paper to the client, such as a waiter or sales assistant in a shop, and faced with a role as assistant customer or broth kitchen porter.
Study participants were told that the candidates are equally qualified and have been shown to reflect a face weight of “normal” thin “heavy handed.”
“The results showed that men and women face enormous challenges in a” Weight conscious “of the labor market, especially for those documents to clients. However more discrimination, women face,” Nickson said.
“We found that women, even in a normal range of BMI, has suffered more polarization depending on the weight that people had publicly overweight,” Nickson said.

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